Forces and Motion (Airplanes and Rockets)

By Jeff Parish
Last updated over 6 years ago
9 Questions
Note from the author:
This is an introduction to Forces and Motion and moves on to the forces and motions in airplanes and rockets.

Write 3 sentences explaining what you already know about forces and motion. Use complete sentences with a capital letter to start and a period at the end.

Watch the following video below then answer the questions.

People think they know what forces are and there are many opinions about that. But, what forces do the people do people think are acting on them RIGHT NOW? There are at least four (4) mentioned in the video. Use complete sentences.


So yeah, what forces are acting on you right now? Use complete sentences.


What kind of diagram is used to show forces on an object? Use a complete sentence.


Make a drawing of what the video tells you about the two main forces acting on you. Be sure you draw and label the forces as described in the video.

How do planes fly? Watch the videos "How do planes fly?" and "Flight".
Watch the BrainPop video "Flight". Log in to BrainPop and watch the video.

Name the four (4) forces acting on an airplane. You don't need to use complete sentences on this question.


Draw a diagram identifying where the forces are and how they affect a plane. Label each force on your diagram.

How do rockets fly? Watch the video below to help you understand the cause and effect of rocket flight. Explain how a rocket is a perfect example of Newton’s Third Law. Include a description of the law, the cause and effect of this law when applied to a rocket, and the forces involved.

Explain how a rocket is a perfect example of Newton’s Third Law. Include a description of the law, the cause and effect of this law when applied to a rocket, and the forces involved. Use complete sentences.


Draw a diagram of a rocket in flight. Include the forces and arrows.

Go to BrainPop and log in. Search to find the CSI: Flight Adventure's Flight School game.

1. Play the game and practice building a glider that can fly. Go through all 3 parts of the game.