Lesson 2 Summarizing Informational Text

By Brandy Tada
Last updated about 4 years ago
22 Questions
Note from the author:
Ready Reading Lesson 2

Relevant Detail #1:

Relevant Detail #2:

Relevant Detail #3:

What would you cross out and why? Rewrite the summary leaving out personal opinions.

What is the central idea of the entire scientific account?

Write an objective summary of "A Place in the Food Chain." Include the central idea and relevant details from both parts of the article.

What are the plants and animals in the food chain in paragraph 3?

What are the 3 ecosystems listed?

Which of the following best states the central idea of the article?

Which statement best summarizes the relevant details of paragraphs 2 and 3

Write an objective summary of the article. Include the central idea at least two relevant details from the text in your summary.

Which three sentences should be included in a summary of the article?

Interestingly enough, wandering spiders have unusually good eyesight.

Some kinds of spiders spin beautiful, complicated webs using different types of silk.

Some orb weavers attach a tripwire to the center of their web.

Spiders are predators that many eat insects they catch.

Many spiders spin webs to catch their prey.

Spiders are clever and can be found in caves, on mountain peaks, and even underwater.

Tangle webs, also called cobwebs, look very messy in a corner of the room.

Other arachnids include scorpions, ticks, and daddy longlegs.

Write an objective summary of the two main ways in which different types of spiders catch their meals. Include the central idea of the article, and support your response with at least TWO relevant details from the passage.