Economic Ideologies

By Amy C Gilstrap
Last updated over 4 years ago
13 Questions

What is the root word of Conservative?

What is the root word of Liberal?

What is your definition of radical?

Do you believe in private property?

Do you think people should be able to make money without much interference from the government?

If you want to make more money what are you going to do?

How does the government make money in a capitalist economy?

Who was Adam Smith?

What book did Adam Smith write?

Draw a picture of Adam Smith telling the government to keep out of business. Make sure to clearly label Adam Smith and the government officials, or at least show that he is talking to the government.

Which 2 countries had capitalist economies in the 1800s?

Should the government do more to help poor people?

Do you think government should take control of businesses in order to help people?