Carrying Capacity and Limiting Factors

By Lisa Horsch
Last updated almost 4 years ago
10 Questions

If your ecobottle has more consumers than producers, which of the following are likely to happen? Check all that apply:


Two students set up a terrestrial ecobottle chamber. It contains one small worm, rotting leaves and damp dirt. Below this, their partners set up an aquatic chamber. It contains rocks and a snail. The worm and snail end up dying the next day because:


A disease results in the death of one third of a dense population of bats. It spreads easily between the bats because there are so many of them. The disease is an example of:


  1. In an ecobottle, a group puts one small dragonfly nymph, 3 snails, pond water and some pebbles into their aquatic system that will be placed under a grow light. Which of these limiting factors are going to affect the dragonfly nymph? Check all that apply.


What would most likely happen to the carrying capacity of deer in Iowa if we were suffering from a long-term drought?


For the graph below, what is the carrying capacity of Species 5?


The chances of dying from a density independent limiting factor don't depend on the size of the population, while density dependent limiting factors are more deadly when the population size is larger. Which of the following would be a density independent limiting factor for the deer population in Iowa?


When a population grows past the ecosystem's carrying capacity, what happens to the population?


Over time, as the amount of food and resources in an environment change, the carrying capacity will


Any thing or organism that regulates the size of a population is known as