6.1 Task 1 Running a Relay Race Student

By Pua Chee
Last updated almost 4 years ago
7 Questions

Use words, numbers, and diagrams or pictures to show the distance each student will run in each round. Click "edit background" to show your work.

Use words, numbers, and diagrams or pictures to show the distance each student will run in each round. Click "edit background" to show your work.

Use words, numbers, and diagrams or pictures to show the distance each student will run in each round. Click "edit background" to show your work.

Use words, numbers, and diagrams or pictures to show the distance each student will run in each round. Click "edit background" to show your work.

Use the whiteboard to show your work solving the problem.

Use the whiteboard to show your work solving the problem.

Use the whiteboard to show your work solving the problem.