Test Match Sabina Park and It is the Constant Image of Your Face

By Amanda Cole
Last updated about 4 years ago
14 Questions
Note from the author:
Students studying the poems "Test Match Sabina Park" and "It is the Constant Image of Your Face" would find these questions useful.

The persona refers to cricket, not the game they play at Lords. What is meant by this?


In the poems "Test Match Sabina Park," national pride is seen in reference to _________ whereas in "It is the Constant Image of your Face," national pride is seen in the persona's inablility to put his country____________.


The Persona in each poem faces a dilemna of


The most dominant themes in the poems is that of


Imagery is very prominant in both poems. In "Test Match Sabina Park," imagery is used to capture the persona's


In the poem, "It is the Constant Image of Your Face," the imagery that of torment. Which of the following gives the impression of tormented image?


In the peom "Test Match Sabina Park," the persona's identity is ______________while in "It is the Constant Image," identity_________.


Language plays a major role in contextualizing both poems. In "Test Match Sabina Park," language shows all but____________.


In "It is the Constant Image of Your Face," the language is associated with disloyalty, infidelity, guilt and the military. Which of these quotes prove this?


At the end of each poem, the feeling /fate of the persona is decided upon. "In Test Match Sabina Park," the feeling is that of


In "It is the Constant Image of Your Face," the feeling is that of


Some expressions are suggestive of tone. For example, Proudly wearing the Rosette of my skin might suggest a tone of superiority. For the following "tone words" give expressions from "Test Match Sabina Park" that matches the tone.

a. Condescending
b. defeat


For the following "tone words" give expressions from "It is the Constant Image of Your Face" that matches the tone.
a. guilt
b. acceptance


Write a definition about identity that would be useful in starting an essay based on the poems "Test Match Sabina Park" and "It is the Constant Image of Your Face"