NWR Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan

By Jim Tracy
Last updated over 5 years ago
12 Questions

Environmental Factor 1


Environmental Factor 2


Environmental Factor 3


How did water affect people's choices of where to settle? On or near an appropriate place on the drawing, type THREE statements in BLUE that answer this question.


How did topography affect people's choices of where to settle? On or near an appropriate place on the drawing, type THREE statements in BROWN that answer this question.


How did vegetation affect people's choices of where to settle? On or near an appropriate place on the drawing, type THREE statements in GREEN that answer this question.


Type the physical features on the map below:
Mediterranean Sea
Nile River
Red Sea
Arabian Desert
Libyan Desert
Nubian Desert


Type the letter H or another simple symbol in all the places on the map where human settlements were located in this region.


Write a paragraph that answers this question: How did geography affect people's choices of where to settle in ancient Egypt and Kush? Use and underline at least FIVE words or phrases from the Word Bank.


Label the physical features on the map below:
Mediterranean Sea
Sea of Galilee
Dead Sea
Jordan River
Lebanon Mountains
Negev Desert
Syrian Desert


Type the letter H or another simple symbol in all the places on the map where human settlements were located in this region.


Write a paragraph that answers this question: How did geography affect people's choices of where to settle in ancient Canaan?
Use and underline at least five words or phrases from the Word Bank.