2018-2019 LISD Music Skills Benchmark - 4th Grade UPDATED

By Kristie Hudson
Last updated over 5 years ago
20 Questions
Note from the author:

What is the name of this instrument?

It is a member of which family?

What is the name of this instrument?

It is a member of which family?

Listen to the sound of this instrument. Write the name of the instrument below.

It is a member of which family?

Listen to the sound of this instrument. Write the name of the instrument below.

It is a member of which family?

What does mezzo forte (mf) mean?

What do you hear?

Which tempo means fast?

Which is an example of rondo form?

Which rhythm pattern do you hear?

Draw the following notes:

Draw the following rests:

Fill in the blanks on our state song, Texas, Our Texas.

Using solfege syllables, fill in the blanks.

Label each line note with its correct letter name.

Label each space note with its correct letter name.

Who is your homeroom teacher?