Shape Pizza: Kindergarten

By Emily Keiter
Last updated about 6 years ago
13 Questions
Following the CCSS Geometry standard (Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres): K.G.2 Correctly gives most precise name of shapes regardless of their orientations (position and direction in space) or overall size. The students made individual pizza’s out of circles-large and small-, squares, rectangles, ovals, and triangles. The large circle was the crust, the smallcircles are pepperoni, the squares were cheese, the rectangles were peppers, the ovals were representing the sauce, and the triangles were sausage- each shapes color corresponded with the type of food it was. We talked about where we can find each shape around the room, and outside of the room and whether they were 2-D or 3-D. Another part of this lesson was that we talked about the number of sides and corners each of the shapes had.

Draw a house that includes a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, and an oval below.


How many corners does this shape have?


How many corners does this shape have?


How many corners does this shape have?

How many corners does this shape have?


How many corners does this shape have?


How many sides does this shape have?


How many sides does this shape have?


How may sides does this shape have?


How many sides does this shape have?


How many sides does this shape have?


What was shape we used to make the crust of the pizza? (Remember: we discussed the number of corners it has)


When we made our shape pizza, we used paper. We would consider the shapes we used 2-dimensional shapes.
